I think this assignment really helped us all to relate with some of the crazy, tragic things of our faith. Being a Christian ain't easy. The truth is, our relationships that we have with others on this earth will never be fully reconciled. Only when we reach heaven together will we be able to love each other perfectly. We will love each other as Christ loves us.
I don't think that means we shouldn't even try though. It was kinda tough writing a tragedy from the Christian worldview, just because as Christians we will never experience complete despair and we will never be without hope. Blaine and Megan (as the girlfriend), represent the hope in our story. I loved our last scene when I, as Chorus, enter into the actor's realm and had a conversation with Blaine. We decided as a group that I should freeze after emphasizing that his girlfriend was "all he had left." This suggests that I am no longer needed in the story, because the characters finally found hope and truth in each other, and from the Christian perspective, in God.