Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I admire how Stoppard incorporates deep insight and the pondering of our existence with humor. It definately adds character to Rozencrantz and Guildenstern and paints some color to his piece. There is just so much to unpack from these first few pages alone, its unbelievable. Stoppard already is dealing with purpose and probability, fear and faith, faith and fate, the law of diminishing returns and the law of six monkeys (previously discovered today in class to go by the title of The Infinity Monkey Theorem haha), syllogisms and the supernatural...all in seven pages of script and witty banter between two very complimentary but different characters.
I was most convicted personally, however, by Rozencrantz's (or was it Guildenstern's? ) long speech on probability and the idea that when things are going well, we have no real reason to doubt and are perfectly "content and happy" with flipping coins all day. Yet the second the winds change and our worldview seems to fail us, we turn to others for answers, WHY becomes a very vital and common question. From a Christian perspective, I was convicted with the fact that I, too, don't generally pray as much or dig into the Word as deep when life is going hunky-dory. But the second things start getting rough that all changes. I don't think this is how it should be and it rather bugged me in class and I wrestled with it a bit the rest of the day. When life is good and calm I should be even more attentive to God's word in an act of thankfulness for his provision and steady hand in my life. Ya, I'm going to work on this.
I loved this quote: "Fear! The crack that might flood your brain with light!" Hmm. So fear helps to reveal truth in our lives? Fear shows things as they really are?
The slapstick humor between the two men as one sits back and collects his bet while the other stands in awe is very entertaining. I'm enjoying the play thus far its very clever.
Is it a double-sided coin?

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