Friday, January 30, 2009

Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are blowing my mind.

Okay, Stoddard is officially one of my new favorite playwrights. He's up there with the big guys in skill: Shakespeare, Sophecles, Euripedes, Aristophenes...he might need to get a cooler name though...but still. I have been blown away by this play! I think it's because there just aren't an rules and the rules that he sets within his play are unstable (i.e. the flipping coin ends its cycle in the end of Act I). Everything is so unpredictable! I think Charis definately got it right with her impersonation of me the other day. POSTMODERNISM...Carly: "sigh...this is so cool!!!" Haha. I'm loving it. I really enjoyed hearing the question game played out by Ben and Blaine in class. I was really confused when I read it on my own...especially with the score keeping... one-love, two-love. Now, that I have heard it acted out I think that was a great touch. Especially since in the midst of thier "game" (representative of life being a game) Guidenstern still insists on finding the meaning behind it all! Where as, Rozencrantz (whom we characterized as a puppy) is just in it all for fun and entertainment. hmm.
Also, I was a bit convicted by the challenge from this Act: are we actors or prostitutes? and wrestling with where we are as Christians. I have two very good friends, both very involved and passionate about the theatre and the arts. One has been involved in drama all through highschool and spends most of his time after school rehearsing and preparing for the new, upcoming play. He mentions, though, that sometimes the drama kids, in an attempt to make their character realistic and believable, will act in character the entire practice and sometimes quote thier lines in everyday conversations around school. Even Blaine did that one day back in the Fall. Mr Montegue asked his students to pick a character and remain in character all day. I guess that just seems odd, because they can practice and stay in character, but they will still be themselves at the end of the day. Is there a point where you convince yourself you are somebody else? I honestly don't know where I'm going with this...just thinking...asking questions that I don't necessarily have answers for right now haha. But isn't that what this play is all about especially that last scene? Life is just a bunch of unanswered questions. Some just have fun with it and turn it into a game. Some Some prostitute themselves to the world and try to be an answer to someone else's need or question for life. Some take a leap of faith and step out in doubt. Some just act. After all, "life is a stage." I guess, as a Christian I should ask, since I am claiming to "play the part" of Christ in this world, my "script" is his Word, and my "director" is the Son of God himself...if all this is what I my role believable and genuine to my world audience? is it realistic? Am i getting my lines right, straight from my "script"?

1 comment:

Megan said...

Dude, that gave me goosebumps.