Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm changing the world with cookies

Wow! I have to admit, "Stranger Than Fiction" turned out to be one of the most intriguing, well-done movies I've ever seen. The dialogue was incredible, a mix of fate and ... well ... fiction. But, my favorite scene/line/philosophy of the whole movie was Ms. Pascel's passion to "change the world with cookies." I love the idea of believing so strongly in something, big or small.
As for worldview, the movie is obviously postmodern. Full of metaFICTION, fragmentation, relativism and question of existence...who chooses our fate? Us or the universe? Both? Is my life a comedy or a tragedy? Maybe we'll never know...In many ways this movie reminded me alot of Rozencrantz and Guildenstern with its witty dialogue with more philosophical layers than initially expected.
Overall, I really enjoyed the movie :)

1 comment:

Caryn Kirk said...

The cookies line is one of my favorites! Easily translated to a Christian sentiment.